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tv   [untitled]    July 30, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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>> >> >> good afternoon, welcome to the san francisco board of supervisors meeting of july 23, 2013. please call the roll.
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avalos, breed, campos, present, supervisor chiu, present, supervisor cohen, present, supervisor ferrel, present, supervisor tang, pre, and wiener. mr. president, all members are present. >> thank you, ladies and gentlemen please join us for our pledge of allegiance. clooegs colleagues we have the june 18th minutes to prove. the minutes are approved. are there
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any communication? >> i have no communications, mr. president. >> can you read the consent agenda. >> these items are considered routine and if a member objects an item maybe removed and considered separate. >> would anyone like to separate any of these items? >> okay. roll call vote? >> supervisor avalos, breed, aye, supervisor campos, aye, supervisor chiu, aye, cohen, aye, ferrel aye, supervisor kim, aye, tang, wiener, aye, yee, 11 ayes. >> the motion is approved. >> madam clerk can we call the
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item 17, proposed budget. >> the clerk: appropriating budgets for if i feel year-ending june 30, 2014, and 2015. the salary in ordinance numerating positions in annual budget for the fiscal year ending june 14th and 15. >> can we do these two items same call? >> these items passed. items 20. >> approving and authorizing the lease and management of botanical garden for waving fees. updating the fees for the
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east and west harbor and establishing a facility rental fee and repealing obsolete provisions. >> roll call vote. items 19 and 20. avalos no, breed aye, campos no, chiu, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, ferrel aye, kim, aye, mar, no, tang aye, yee aye. >> those ordinance pass. why don't we call item 21 and 65 >> item 21 is an ordinance
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amending the code to clarify certain procedures provided for appeal in exemptions and neglect ever deck largsz revising noticing procedures for environmental impact reports and negative declaration for plan area projects exceeding 20 acres. and item 65 is an ordinance to repeal to the environmental review officer to consider an amended review of a modification does not require a new decision under the california environmental quality act. item 65 was considered by the land use and economic development committee at a regular meeting on monday july 22nd. >> supervisor kim?
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>> thank you, this is the final piece of legislation that has come before the full board. the legislation was initially introduced by our office along with supervisors campos avalos, mar and yee. as one final piece of the appeals process that members our advocates fought for. this is around specifically when an exempt project is modified and therefore is referred by a city department planning for the ero for a new look and the ero determines that it fits under the current exemption. this allows a member of p be to actually appeal to the ero and what it may or may not have under the public setting. this is a last piece under very delicately balanced set of legislation reform to the ceqa
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process and keeping the entire party in coalition together. so i do want to again thank our city attorney, chiu, supervisor wiener and planning for continued work on all aspects of this legislation together and look forward to passing those both pieces today. thank you. >> supervisor wiener? >> thank you, mr. president, colleagues i want to thank you again last week for the unanimous assets of the legislation that i forward and i hope will result in a significant improvement to the ceqa process in a clear deadline specifically triggered by the first approval of the project. i think it's a significant step forward. regarding the trailing with the legislation sponsored by supervisor kim, i will be supporting the legislation today. although i don't believe it to be a necessary in terms
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of having good process, i understand there is a dire for it and for how it is drafted and what i introduced to the committee yes, i'm uncomfortable supporting it. in terms of contact, the issue of modification, is the issue of debate and discussion for months. there was a concern by some folks who were opposing my legislation that something could be modified and there would not be an opportunity to appeal. supervisor kim's original legislation provided for effectively an appeal or potentially an appeal every time a modification occurred and i thought it would make our process even worse than today. i allow multiple appeals. i
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want to thank supervisor kim for really modifying that modification provision and i'm comfortable supporting it because what it basically does is it allows people who are concerned or believe that a modification should result in a new categorical exemption to ask the.ero to take a second look and providing information and really taking that second look. this appeal to the ero will not stop the project from proceeding and will not stop construction. it is not an appealable decision and can't be further an appealed. given all that it will not slowdown projects which have been approved which has been a big problem for projects in the city and i'm comfortable
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supporting it. >> thank you, colleagues, unless there is any further discussion, let's take a roll call vote on item 21. the clerk: avalos, breed, aye, chiu, aye, supervisor cohen, aye, supervisor ferrel, aye, supervisor kim, aye, mar, aye, tang, aye, supervisor wiener aye, yee, aye. >> can we take on the first item with same call? item passes. >> madam clerk, call item 22.
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>> the clerk: item 22. moss skoen expansion project. supervisor avalos? >> thank you, at the committee last week i asked for a report from dpw how we are going to be showing the expansion project that we make sure we hire locally and hitting our strong marks for participation. i was wondering if dpw could be here to share? >> good afternoon, supervisors, supervisor avalos requested the project data for both san francisco general hospital
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rebuild and the moss skoen renovation. there was an lbe goal set at 1 percent and -- 18 percent and it exceeded 20 percent. for local higher we reported 18 percent. we were mistaken because the renovation had both public and private funds that supported the project. we were able to go back and request some data because there was no cpr's collected from on the privately held contracts. we were still able to get some data and the current numbers that we are seeing is it exceeded 22 percent. >> that was for what year? >> that was the project came online in -- 2010. >> okay. so that was the time
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when we were actually at 20 percent in terms of our local hire ordinance and before it passed. i appreciate that. i want to make sure moving forward for very large projects that we are going to have an estimate for local business enterprise, a goal that will be based on our past experience that is going to be strong and make sure that local business enterprises are going to get inclusion in that project in the same for local hire. >> absolutely. >> thank you very much. appreciate you coming in. >> colleagues, can we take the same item, same call? without objection, this item passes. >> item 23. >> the clerk:. southeast water pollution control plant at 750 phelps street.
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>> colleagues, can we do this same house, same call? item passes. >> next item. 24. >> the clerk: health right. resolution retro actively approving amendment to the contract between the department of public health and health right to 18.5 million. >> colleagues, same call? this resolution is adopted. >> item 25. >> the clerk: west bay housing corporation. extending to june 30, 2018, and increasing the amount to $25 million.
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>> same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. next item, 26. >> the clerk: med impact health care systems. >> same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. next item. >> seem ens medical solutions. authorizing the don't enter into a contract. >> same house, same call? this resolution is adopted. >> the clerk: item 28:
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declaration of emergency northshore force main. >> same house same call. item passes. >> next item. >> the clerk: crest wood behavioral health seventh and mental health management. >> same house, same call, this resolution is adopted. next item. >> 30. the clerk: mayor's earth day breakfast. >> same house, same call, this resolution is adopted. >> item 31.
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>> the clerk: >> same house, same call. this is adopted. >> item 32: community scale renewable energy integration central corridor eekey district. >> same house, same call. this is adopted. >> next item. 33 >> same house, same call. this motion is adopted.
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text 34? the clerk: budget and legislative analyst services. >> supervisor ferrel? >> thank you president chiu. i want to state publically and as i said before how much i appreciate mr. row's work and that of his colleagues and look forward to a relationship and i hope we have everyone's support. >> supervisor mar? >> i wanted to thank mr. rho and hi staff but also the legislative analyst report has done amazing work. i don't know what we would do without their insightful and independent analysis of the budget. as the preparation of the legislative analyst report, a number of them and others have been, it's been wonderful to work with them. i really appreciate their services and don't know what we
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would do without them as a city. thank you. >> supervisor campos? >> thank you, very much, mr. chairman, i was joking that it's really hard to approve an item without having a budget and legislative analyst. this is the catch 22 that we find ourselves on this one. it is of course absolutely fitting that this is what is before us. the thing i appreciate about mr. rho 's work that time and time again we have put out the bid and they have risen to the top. it's because of the quality of the work and the integrity with which they approach it and it really is impossible to imagine the board of supervisors without the work of mr. rho's and his firm.
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>> colleagues, same house, same call. this motion is an approved. it is now 2:30. i would like to recognize our district 9 colleague supervisor campos. >> thank you very much, mr. president, it is my honor to honor today a very special member of our community and if i may ask him to please come on up. can you please come to the podium. i know that there are a number of people that are here in honor of dido. i have known him from even before my time in the board of supervisors. the
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first time i met him, i was on the san francisco police commission. he brought to me a case involving a family, an immigrant family that had been defrauded in terms of, they were taking advantage of when they purchased their home and their home was basically taken over by the banks and dido alerted us to that issue and because of that work eventually an individual that had defrauded dozens of people in the latino community was eventually charged and put away because of that. that's the kind of person that dido is. it's hard to imagine the commission economic development agency where dido has worked so long doing it's work without dido. i know he's not going away. that he will continue to be involved in the community. it has been an honor to work with you. i want to thank you
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for all the services to this community. on behalf of the board, i want to give you this certificate of honor to you for educating and organizing the residents and the mission for their rights and pushing forward policies that strengthen the community and fighting for economic justice. thank you, you make san francisco a better place for all of us. thank you, dido. >> i know my colleagues want to add some things. >> thank you. dido has been an integral part of our office since he started. i wanted to thank you for being an organizer and advocate. i know how well loved you are amongst our small businesses. dido
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actually took me door knocking in the rain and sun. it just went to show how hard he worked in the neighborhood to south africa -- serve our family and residents and how he's committed on improving the mission in san francisco. especially as meta ramps up to work in the community. i'm looking forward to supporting campos and we'll certainly be sad to no longer see you in that house. thank you for your support that you have given to us and thank you for participating in our retreats. thanks for giving us really great advice. thank you. >> supervisor avalos?
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>> hi, dido, thank you for your services in san francisco. we have heard a lot from you on how to support immigrant businesses in excel soir, and the mission district. are you still going to be in san francisco? >> yes. >> thank you, supervisor campos, avalos, and board of supervisors to be representative to new ideas to make the city more inclusive for everyone. i had to say this you for the direct services who is putting a face on and helping our community to be dealing with many different issues. i have a new job with the community financial center. we'll be working with youth and the project of new economic rights for all. we'll be here advocating with you and dealing
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with san francisco and the mission district. thank you. >> [ applause ] >> thank you, supervisors. let's go to our next accommodation. supervisor mar. >> thank you, president chiu. colleagues today i'm proud to recognize a long time business owner and leader in our district neighborhood. mr. richard wu. some know about the
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child seats and, cribs and strollers. i don't know what we are going to do without him. after being in a business of many years to many in the neighborhoods know this has helped to transform the neighborhood. we are going to miss richard and city kids after 25 years of service to our neighborhood. richard wu is a native of san francisco who started city kids in november of 1988. i'm not sure if supervisor ferrel knows this, he lived a couple blocks away. i used to live on second avenue and walked by and he set up my
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daughters crib and i thank him for being on the spot and a really warm business in our neighborhood. he also dedicates city kids, it's dedicated to providing consumers to making intelligent choices when they see baby equipment. i think richard has been proudest of his efforts in supporting child safety and especially in automobiles. richard has really spent a lot of time with car seat give a ways with many families in the city. he has taught parenting classes and promoted many classes in san francisco in the school of family business. he served on the merchants as a leader, vice-president and leader from
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2000-2010. i'm hoping we are honor richard for providing service for 25 years. >> thank you, mr. wu. >> i would like to acknowledge supervisor ferrel. >> i want to thank supervisor mar for this. i live a few blocks away. when my wife and i went there and seen the closing sign there, we were heartbroken. we bought our cribs and baby seats there. we were at your store quite a bit. >> i didn't tow you from the parking lot? >> exactly. anyway, i remember visiting there when i was a kid as well. it's such a staple in the neighborhood. you have